講師プロフィール ・エーロン先生


Aaron sensei


私は2人の息子と一緒に過ごすのが大好きです。一緒に楽しい時間をたくさん過ごし、子供たちに世界について教え、彼らが大きくなった時、有益と思えるスキルを伝えることをとても楽しんでいます。子供たちが本を読んだり、自転車に乗ったり、泳いだり、木に登ったりできるようになるのを手助けすることに、とても満足しています。 仕事場でも同じような感覚を得られるのは、とても恵まれています。生徒の英語力が伸びていくのを見るのは、とても嬉しいことです。ほとんどの生徒が、全く英語ができない状態で入学してきますが、2年後、3年後には私と会話ができ、宿題も自信を持って取り組み、文章を簡単に読むことができるようになるのです。このように、生徒たちの努力が報われるのを見るたびに、私の仕事にやりがいを感じています。



What is your favourite food?


I love lots of different Japanese foods, such as sushi, sukiyaki, and takoyaki. I also love foods from all around the world, like pizza, hamburgers and pasta. My favourite food however is a kebab. This is a food from Turkey. It is grilled meat and salad in a flatbread. I often ate kebabs when I lived in London, but you can’t get a good kebab in Osaka. Very sad!


What are your hobbies and interests?


I am very busy working at the school or taking care of my sons. When I do have some free time, I like to watch movies and documentaries. I recently decided to take up playing the piano, so I practice every morning before coming to work. 


Why did you come to Japan?


I had never really travelled further than Europe when I heard about teaching English in Japan. I thought it would be an interesting experience, because I had always been interested in Japanese art and movies. I could also visit many other fascinating places around Asia. So, I joined a big eikaiwa company with the intention of staying for one year. I enjoyed life here so much that I decided to renew my contract. That was many years ago and I am still here.


What are the best things about living in Japan?


In Japan I never feel like I need to worry about my personal safety, like in many other countries, because Japan is so safe. The people are usually really friendly and accommodating.

As well as that, the food is incredibly healthy and tasty. There is also such a wide range of environments. I can go scuba diving in Okinawa, or skiing in Hokkaido and many other things inbetween.

日本にいて、こんなに安全だと思うことはありません。人々は本当にフレンドリーで、親身になってくれます。それだけでなく、食べ物は信じられないほど健康的でおいしい! また、さまざまな環境があるので、沖縄でスキューバダイビングをしたり、北海道でスキーをしたり、他にもいろいろなことができます。

Why do you like teaching English?


I have always really enjoyed passing on my knowledge to others. I get a great sense of satisfaction when I see someone’s eyes light up as they understand a new concept or the meaning of a word. 

Once I became a father I felt it was incredibly important for me to help as many of the younger generations to develop skills that would help them have better lives than previous generations. 

I therefore feel that by passing on my knowledge I can help make the world a little better for the next generation.




What parts of your personality help you to teach well?


I think I have a warm and caring personality which makes kids feel comfortable around me very quickly. I also like to have fun in lessons, and although my lessons are filled with educational goodness, there is always time for a good laugh. 

I studied film at university and one of the most important things I learned was that a storyteller must think from their audience’s point of view in order to tell a story that can be easily understood by them. This is incredibly important when teaching students. By thinking from their point of view I can design lessons that they will enjoy and impart knowledge in ways that are easy to understand.




What have been some of the most interesting experiences you have had teaching children in Japan?


I have had countless great experiences teaching kids at Rocket English School. I have had so many belly laughs with the kids, and seen so many smiling faces. However, I think the most satisfying experiences have been the way I have seen students progress over their years of studying with us. Some of our students started with us when they were very young, and sometimes they were uncontrollable! Others have been incredibly shy. But over time and with lots of encouragement from us, they built their English skills and developed into confident English speakers.


What are some of the things that make Rocket English School stand out from other English schools?


I feel we always try to use honesty and integrity in all our dealings with students and their parents.

We really care about the education of the children at our school. We work really hard to make sure that all the students get as many chances as possible to read, write, and speak English in classes. We take great pride when our students pass tests or go on to study English at university, because we have worked really hard to ensure that they have built a love for English that will last with them for the rest of their lives.


